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Idols and Anchors [Video]

"I failed my way to success."
Thomas Edison

Get ready to lift heavy guys, one of my regulars on my playlist.

Parkway Drive - Idols and Anchors.

The Glitch Mob [Video]

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." -Theodore Roosevelt, listen to this track and get ready to workout brothers. 


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5/3/1 Routine

    Now most people probably have there own top secret workout plan that can build 30lbs of lean mass in 6 days, but I don't. I picked a routine I believed would work for me. As of right now, that's true. Although my weight hasn't changed drastically, I've been able to lift quiet a bit more than I did before. 

This routine has a 4 week cycle. 

Source: T NATION, Click Here!

It looks difficult but I promise you, its easy to understand if you really are serious about gaining mass, and building up those compound lifts stats!

New Animalmode Video - Preworkout [Video]

I always liked that quote Arnold said about lifting

 "These last two or three repetitions makes the muscle grow, that divides one from being champion and not being a champion, if you can go through this pain period you make it to be a champion, if you can't, forget it, and that's what people lack is having the GUTS."  - The Great Arnold. 

Check out my new video made for, hope you guys like it! 


Music "Thread"

Hey everyone, Animalmode here, I wanted to post this for a while. I spend countless hours everyday listening to music, trying to get an idea of how this music could pump me up for the gym. I like to pretend as though I've ran out of my jack3d and I need something to get me through the workout. So I'm asking you guys, the viewers, to comment on this post with music that pumps you up, or music that you think would pump me up. I'll give you the viewer credit at the end of my video!

So here's the template:
Your Name (The name you would like to see at the end of my video!)
Song link, or Name & Artist ( Either the Name of the song followed by the Artist, or a youtube link)
Email ( If you'd like to receive an email notification of when the videos done!).